Types of Manufacturing
Companies that assemble several products to generate completed goods, such as those in the electronics, automotive, or material sectors, are referred to as discrete manufacturing firms. In order to manage records of demand patterns, serialised production, supplier information, order tracking, etc., this sort of manufacturing uses the fruiSCE ERP system.
The Manufacturing Process Process manufacturing businesses include those in the chemical, food, and beverage industries that combine formulas or other components to create a finished product. Keeping track of complicated recipes and formulations, quality control, waste disposal, and product lifespan is made easier with the help of fruiSCE ERP.
Subassemblies are prepared in stock by assembly manufacturing companies, and final assembly is carried out in accordance with customer orders. In the sub-assembly and raw material levels, MRP is used. All manufacturing process situations are covered by fruiSCE ERP, which also assists businesses in achieving operational excellence.